Friday, July 16, 2021

What is Organization in Management

 It is a Business group  where two or more persons work together to accomplish a target or a common purpose.

we can see many organizations around us working for some special goal or purpose as Colleges, Factories, Schools, Government Offices.

 The concept of PeoplePurposeProcess, and  POLCA is very important to understand the organization.

People who works in an organization

Purpose for which people work together

Process is Set of specific activities specially designed by managers to complete different tasks for the attainment of organizational goals.

In the concept of POLCA Organization Process stands on four supports of management which are as follows.

1- Planning

Planning is shaping the organizational goals and the means for achieving them in allowable Limitations.


The organizing is deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs, who will work for whom, and tasks in given timelines and standards.


Leading is inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to get organizational goals.


Controlling is monitoring progress towards goal achievement and taking corrective action to fulfill deficiencies.  

In the modern era, Good managers adopt two styles of controlling.

A- assure themselves to perform these functions well.

B-  Managers are altering the way they execute these functions, thinking of themselves more like mentors, coaches, team leaders, or internal consultants. They work with anyone who can help them complete their goals rather than only following the chain of command.  

They ask others to contribute in making decisions and share information with others to maximize the progress of attaining the goals.


Assurance is formulation and direction in  the quality assurance programs and policies, and also struggle hard to bring the most excellent in the organization.


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