Showing posts with label "cement plaster". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "cement plaster". Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How to Plaster a wall with Cement

 Cement plastering provides smooth and level surface for White wash, Distemper, Weather Shield, or Painting .

Procedure of plastering is very simple but requires techniques to accomplish this technical job .

There are several procedural steps to be adopted in plastering which are as under.

1- Check Alignment and verticalness of wall and mark the difference if it is greater than 1 1/2 ".

2- Fill the dips with rough plastering cement sand mortar (1:2) and rough the surface with wire brush so that good bonding may be produced with plastering layer.

3- If wall contains mounted parts then should be grinded or removed with cutters because if some portions are mounted up to 1 " it means entire wall will require 1.5 " thick plaster in case we are going to do 1/2" thick plaster and that will not be an economical practice. Thicker plastering layers other than nominal thickness causes extra loads which weakens the bonding of plaster with wall and ultimately reduces life of plastering.

4- All grooving for electric or water supply pipes should be completed before starting of plaster and after fixation of conduits in the wall grooving should be filled with rich cement sand mortars having ratios as (1:1) ,(1:2),(1:3)  and after filling activity let it dry for some days and finally cover it with chicken wire mesh .

5- Use corner beads on the mounted corners of walls to get verticalness and straight edges.

6-Fill the joints between slab and wall tops with filler rods and with suitable sealant  materials so that plaster may be done properly.

7-Check diagonals of every wall and make level points using cement sand mortar (1:2) but this level points should also be vertical and should maintain the required plastering thickness.

8-Use Liquid solution having mix of  cement ,sand, water, and 1/8" crush and apply to make the rough surface for good bonding of plastering.

9-Mix the mortar using mixing machine of by manual mixing with suitable cement sand ratios ,normally 1:4 mix is used for outer plastering and (1:5) is used for internal plastering.

10-Before application of cement plaster wall surface must be showered with water to create moisture which will help morter to dry on the wall .

11-Apply cement sand mortar with trowel and spread it with float while pressing and spreading maintain the required thickness of plaster.

12-Depute Good masons and skilled labors for plastering job ,Good mason can do 150 Sq.Ft  OR 14 Sq.m  in eight hours.

13- Curing of plaster should be done for 14 days after application of plastering because cement gains 90 % strength in 14 days.




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