Showing posts with label "Economical construction". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Economical construction". Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2021

Cost Control Techniques in Construction

Construction is a major industry spreading rapidly with the increasing population of this world. History shows the rate of gradual increase in prices of Building materials, Skilled Labors, and  Machinery used in construction.

The concept of Supply and demand in Economics helps us to understand fluctuation and raises in the cost of Construction that cannot be  controlled as population is getting increase alarmingly.

What we can do to control the cost of construction is future cost control with present prices, so effectively we can control the cost  of construction adopting the following techniques.

1- Design of construction

Avoid over design and unnecessary use of materials and construction size ,it has been observed that mostly engineers do over designing using extra spaces and materials which causes high and unnecessary costs that is due to the lack of good and precise engineering knowledge.

2- Wastage of Labor and Machinery

It is has been observed that Managers and supervisors cannot manage scheduled usage of labor and machinery which causes low productivity and high unbearable cost burdens in construction.

Avoiding such problems Design feasible planning for labor and machinery usage and control every activity by motivation and routine supervision check and balance.

3- Appointment of skilled Team at Construction Sites

Skilled people do more productivity and precise work and also can control wastages very effectively so appoint people on a merit system.


4- Proper Estimation and Execution

Estimate materials and labor expenses properly and execute construction activities according to the limitations of Estimated budgets.

5-Preparation of  Detailed Drawing before Estimation.

Detailed drawing along with detailed specification should be prepared before estimation so that construction cost may be assessed accurately and also size, the number of construction elements may be controlled that will cause control of cost.

6-Maintaining Inventory very soon after Estimation.

As  we know market prices keep uplifting so purchase all material soon after the estimation and also do agreements with Labor contractors and give them time frames.

Follow times lines of project so that labor contractor can manage his teams accordingly avoiding labor and time failures.  

7-Avoid Changing in Design.

Do not change construction design when it is designed in the initial stages because when the design has changed the cost also gets the change.



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Monday, May 31, 2021

Economic Construction by Controlled Labor Practices


The construction industry has become very expansive because of the high prices of Labor and Materials. Civil Engineers use different design codes to produce economical projects in the construction industry but having a low focus on the utilization of manpower.

It has become very important to control labor and time cost by effective employment of construction manpower.

Construction of Buildings and other civil engineering, structures contain many activities to construct parts of structures so Manpower should be given an economical bench marks to complete the works in  given timelines within the estimated costs.

I will mention civil work quantities required to be completed by manpower in 8 hours daily.

The Workers should be selected by proper testing system so that Good class of people may be hired on projects.

Classification of Workers is a necessity to maintain reward system for Good class and high performance of workers.

Rewarding Rules should be imposed at projects like if a worker is doing 150 SFT of plaster and getting his daily wages and if the same worker is doing 200 SFT  of plaster then this worker should be entertained with extra wage.

The Reward system should be based on Quality and economics so that profitability can be maintained within the budget limits.

This data is experimentally based on different projects and can be used to control labor management and progress at construction sites. Supervisory staff should take part to ensure in-time availabilities of materials at the site so that manpower can work according to given parameters.

Workers may be motivated to do more and to gain earn more offering economical rates for extra works. Supervisors should be entertained with bonuses for extra works ensuring the quality of works.

Time has a value that can be cashed only in given times frames and getting late in works only results in losses.

Time lines of projects are the completion bench marks in any industry so keep watching and comparing the all mile stones for in-time completion of projects.

Cost control is the only key to work for profitability and advancement in this global world.



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