Saturday, June 26, 2021

Auditorium Design Concept


Auditorium Design Concept   

The auditorium is a big room building facilitated with sitting arrangements for Audience and Stage for performers for presentation, acting, and motivations.

The uses of Auditoriums are several depending upon the type of requirement of the public as it maybe a Theatre, Cinema, Conference Room, Meeting room, Assembly Hall, Award showroom etc.

Shape of Auditoriums

Auditoriums  may be constructed in any form but mostly it is constructed in rectangular and sector of circles or Curves considering availability of the land size and orientation of the building.

Size of Auditoriums

The most important thing in the design of the Auditorium is sizing to facilitate Audience and performers avoiding all possible problems.

1- Size of sitting area in Curvy rows

The seating capacity for 1 person should be 6 Sft to 7 Sft which includes a minimum passage area of 5 Sft for 1 person.

2- Size of sitting area in Straight rows

The seating capacity for 1 person should be 6 Sft to 7 Sft and the minimum area of    5 Sft for a person should be added for passages.

3- Volume Capacity for 1 Person and Height of Auditorium.

volume required for each person in the auditorium should be 124 Cft to 160 Cft with a minimum height of 20 Feet and Maximum Height can be calculated using nominal volume and area required for one Individual.

 4- Seating Alignment.

Seating alignment should be staggered in a way so that spectator in any line is not sighting over the head of an individual sitting in front of him.

5- Head Room

Minimum head rooms under the landings and cantilever portions should not be less than 7 ft.

6- Area of Ventilators and Door , Windows.

The area of Doors, Windows, Ventilators adjacent to in an open space  should be 15% (In case of Air Conditioning of Hall)  and 20% of Total Floor Area in case of Fans and Exhausts fans ventilation.

 7- Size and spacing of chairs /Seats.

The width of seats should be 19" to 21" and the back to back distance of seats should be 3 ft to 3'-6" and the crossing passage in front of chairs should be 1'-6" to 2ft for traveling in between the chairs back and front. Seating the angle should not be less than 65 degrees.

8- Level of Stage.

The level of the stage should be 3'-3" higher than the lowest level of flooring in front of first-line from the stage.

9- Arrangements to avoid resonance.

Sound absorbing material should be used on walls, round walls should be avoided in Auditoriums. Thick carpeting also helps to control echo problems.

10- Design of stairs.

Minimum width of the stair should not be less than 6'-0" and the minimum size of the tread and rise should be 12"x6".

 11-Position of Screen

The position of the screen should be fitted in a way that the angle eyesight of the person sitting in a front line from the top of the screen may not be more than 34 degrees.

12-Structural stability of Auditorium

Structure of Auditorium building should be designed by competent designers and good construction practices should be adopted to complete the building.




Technical Education


Technical Education

Education having special techniques and knowledge using different tools to produce engineering products is called Technical Education. Engineers can not complete any engineering project without technical people having special technical knowledge and experience.

Engineering Fields

Before more discussion about technical Education we should know about different engineering fields where technical education can be utilized.

So there are some main engineering fields utilize technical people.  

1-Civil Engineering,

2-Mechanical Engineering,

 3-Electrical Engineering,

4-Instrumentation Engineering,

5- Mechatronics Engineering,

6-Architecture Engineering,

7- Metallurgical Engineering,

8- Refrigeration Engineering,

9- Chemical Engineering,

10- Computer Engineering,

11- Environmental Engineering,

12-Biomedical Engineering,

13- Aerospace Engineering,

14-Automotive Engineering,

15- Electronics Engineering,

16- Robotics Engineering,

17- Agricultural Engineering,

18-Paper Engineering

19-Petroleum Engineering,

20-Geological Engineering

21-Marine Engineering

22- Nuclear Engineering

23-Minning Engineering

24- Geomatics Engineering,

Perhaps there is no business that can be done without using technical knowledge and technical resources. In the industrial production process different skilled persons works with their knowledge and experience, Engineers provide design ideas using their scientific knowledge and Technicians provide middle-level supervision to artisans to make the products.

Technical skills involve engineering implementations using the proper methodology, and engineering standards. Technically skilled people are backbone of any industry they are result oriented people and works for business profitability and futuristic growth of industries.

Artisan is a skilled worker who uses their hands and tools to make different machines and products, they work efficiently under the supervision of technically educated people.

Technical people (Technicians and Technologists) behaves like a bridge between designers (Engineers) and Artisans. Technical Individuals  transforms engineering and scientific knowledge to uneducated  Artisans and ensures the accuracy and required  standards in production.

Who are Technical People?

After matriculation technical people passed through three-year diploma which is called (DAE) Diploma of Associate Engineer and this diploma course is recognized worldwide. There is further educational degree after DAE whose name is B-Tech or BS in Technology and holding this level degree any individual can work as Engineer.

Why Technical Education is needed

It is observed that people having scientific education and even only engineering education cannot perform supervision because of having less Technological skills.

The nations who promoted Technological people with respect and equality are more progressive instead of those countries that only gave respect to white-collar engineers who are habitual to sit in offices and only doing documentation.

Many progressive countries like Australia Technicians and Technologists are treated on both levels like their Engineering councils accept them as an engineer and also as a Technologist, I believe Australia is the best country to consider the level of equality and respect for the people who build the nations.

Technical Education contributes 80 % to 90 % in Any Engineering Project.

In any industry it has been observed that Technical people contribute 80 -90 % of their time in completion of any project or product because they are the only people who can perform basic engineering activities more concisely and perfectly rather than of engineers who only holds scientific and theoretic knowledge.

Technical people hold keys for each activity so that is the reason they are also called key supervisors.

In civil engineering it is observed that most of the surveying jobs are completed by technical people as they are physically strong and fit to work in any weather. Engineers work on these survey reports and design the products having all solutions for the problems confronted by society.  

Engineer can't be a good Technologist But A Technologist can be a Good Engineer.

It is observed that Technologists are more effective in performing engineering activities but due to lack of technical skills engineers cannot perform most of the field works. Industries have promotional policies for technologists after years of experience and time. Technologists can be better managers than engineers because they know a lot of root-level knowledge and the working capacity of artisans.

Technical Education for growth of nations.

Technical  education should be promoted globally to provide more employability and economic sustainability to poor nations. I think specially designed schools should be established to produce Technical people and only technical people should be promoted to engineering degrees to supervise and design the industries more effectively.

Technical people should be facilitated with online low-cost degree programs because it has been observed that they are treated to work only on junior positions and engineering lobbies are enjoying higher salaries only because of their favorable job policies in many countries.

Morality and equality are bookish words that are only reserved for a special class of wealthy people to become an Engineer or Doctor standing on the heads of Technical people.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Global Warming and Establishment of Modern Villages

There is a famous phrase that the world has become a global village because of the Internet and computer technology. The concept of globalization has provided platforms for fast-tracked businesses and enterprises for the growth of humanity but on another hand, the world is losing nature and causing global warming.

It is only because of the modern lifestyle of people ignoring natural style of living. The world has been designing by a division having many features as the present Land area is 148,429,000 Sq. Km  Present Sea Area  241,197,125  Sq. Km so it means there is a natural balance for the existence of the earth. Everything has been designed according to designed proportions balancing the existence of this world.

Human life should be designed to support and to save natural resources, the huge budgets which are expensed on defense should be expensed on the welfare of this world.

Presently 56 % Population is living in urban areas and the remaining is living in villages, towns, and jungles. Our focus should be the development of village areas to promote a nature-friendly environment.  

Global warming is dangerous as causing pollutions and damaging our natural resources like melting of glaciers, reducing of jungles and trees, low production of oxygen, damage of ozone layer. We should take measures to adopt village life containing all nature-friendly projects like Plantation, vegetation, raising of birds and all types of framings. 

Now it is the time to gather all countries of the world through a reliable Platform to take measures for global warming because global warming is the enemy of humanity.

All countries should take part in the establishment of Modern villages according to their particular Populations and atmospheric requirements.

The concept of modern villages

Modern villages should be designed in every country on this planet having all facilities like employment, education, health facilities, Food and Pure Water, Small level industries as needed to stop immigrations of people to urban areas as causing massive level pollutions and global warming.

Economic values of Modern villages

Village creates people having healthy minds and hardworking individuals and a major part of urban the population consists of villages- people who have been migrated to cities because of fewer facilities and employment opportunities in villages.

The agricultural industries are not promoted because agricultural products having less pricing and no attention from all Governments in the world because industrial the mafia of urbanization is controlling Political and Government levels to promote urban areas only. These mafias are doing business by selling their products on high prices and getting rapid expansions in promotions of urbanizations whereas the villagers having products with low pricing strategies are migrating to cities.

An alarming fact can be seen on economic levels that villagers are producing agricultural products and shifting to cities because markets exist in cities controlled by the agents of governments and middlemen, this is why village side populations are decreasing.

Government should establish markets in villages and rates should be declared by village controlling bodies with profitability.

  Education in Villages

School , Colleges and Universities should be in villages to educate people for modern farming with degrees in agriculture Industries.

Agricultural and Environmental Ministries should be established by Governments to collect fund to maintain and promote villages life.

Promotional Arrangements for Farming

It has been observed that half of the population living in village areas don't have their own agricultural lands and because of the economic crisis these families shifted to urban areas.

Governments Should lease allotment of agricultural lands to such families so that more low cost manpower can be engaged and also a facility of earning may be produced for poor villagers.

Small Industries and Technical Colleges for Villagers 

  Technical and Small Industrial Journey 

Establishment of small industries like handicrafts, flour mills, Agriculture Machinery workshops will be helpful for village economies.

Technical colleges will produce technical hands to contribute to the village economy and to support village life infrastructures.     

Special Design of Houses 

Special houses should be constructed with mud and soil because construction with cement is a big source of Carbon Dioxide. Mud houses contain very little amount of cement concrete so such construction should be promoted in villages.

Water Management and Sewerage System  

Quality of underground water is becoming brackish because of unplanned and faulty sewerage the system so a good engineering methodology should be adopted to overcome these problems. 

 Growing Forests as Source of Rain

 Forests are great source of rain so the growing of trees will help to reduce pollution and raining will help to grow green lands. Green lands and forests provide fresh air and a lot of oxygen.

Unity to Protect this World.

This is time to save our world and save humanity from massive unstoppable destruction. We have to care for and respect natural resources and all creations on this globe. Countries should join hands together to make a safety wall against global warming, if we keep ourselves sleeping against this destruction everything will be finished and nothing will stop this from happening.

Protect this world considering it as its own home.

It is the duty of every nation on this earth to protect and support this Planet for coming Generations and Life.


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